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Yes, Cloud Certifications are important - not just for money or promotions

cloud computing

Disclaimer: This is only my opinion on the debate about cloud certifications, my views are based on experience in writing cloud certs and working with members who downplay them. I believe that the process of earning a cloud certification requires an individual to delve into the hidden details of cloud computing, providing a level of understanding that is often not achieved through self-study or on-the-job experience alone.

You have probably heard this before: "The cloud certifications are just for show and don't really mean anything." This statement, while prevalent, is flawed and overlooks the actual benefits that these certifications offer. For many people, it seems it’s all about the badge, promotion or salary increase. In this article, we argue that while these benefits are undeniable, the true value of these certificates is the comprehensive understanding they provide of the cloud ecosystem. They allow professionals to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in the rapidly evolving cloud technology landscape, thus, enabling them to leverage these technologies where they are clearly needed.

A cloud certification is less about the badge and more about the versatile range of tools it equips you with.

Imagine a contractor, who earns money based on how fast and effective he/she is on each job. It's easy to see that having the right tools, knowledge, and skills can significantly impact the speed and quality of their work. Similarly, cloud certifications equip IT professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to effectively and efficiently navigate the cloud environment. While some of these tools may not always be used, when a specific task calls for it, professionals with certification will have the know-how to use them effectively. In essence, a cloud certification is less about the badge and more about the versatile range of tools it equips you with.

The Benefits

A deeper understanding of cloud technologies empowers a team lead or engineers to make better strategic system design decisions. This knowledge cultivates a culture of innovation, operational efficiency, and adherence to industry best practices, ultimately leading to enhanced business outcomes and technological advancement.

  • Fostering Innovation:
    • Empowered Team Creativity: A team knowledgeable in cloud tools is more likely to ideate and innovate, tapping into diverse cloud services for novel solutions.
    • Cross-Functional Synergies: Awareness of cloud capabilities encourages cross-departmental collaboration, leading to holistic and innovative approaches.
    • Experimentation Culture: Familiarity with cloud services fosters a culture of experimentation, essential for discovering groundbreaking business ventures.
  • Better Decision Making:
    • Informed Architecture Choices: Teams aware of cloud best practices can make more informed decisions regarding system architecture, ensuring scalability and robustness.
    • Proactive Problem-Solving: Knowledge of cloud tools aids in anticipating and addressing potential system bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
  • Cost Savings:
    • Optimized Cloud Spend: With a good grasp of cloud pricing models, teams can significantly reduce operational costs.
    • Strategic Resource Allocation: Teams adept in cloud services can more effectively allocate resources, avoiding over-provisioning and underutilization.
    • Efficient Workflows: Knowledge of cloud tools streamlines workflows, reducing time-to-market and operational expenses.


Please note that while we advocate for the importance of cloud certifications and their role in broadening technological horizons, we do not assert that cloud solutions are universally suitable for every organization or scenario. Our emphasis on these certifications is not an endorsement of a cloud-only approach. Instead, we recognize that the knowledge gained from pursuing cloud certifications can be instrumental in revealing alternative, cloud-less architectures. These alternatives might be more appropriate for certain use cases, particularly those involving self-hosting within existing data centres.

Choosing the ‘right’ certificate

  • Align with Current Role:
    • Relevance to Daily Tasks: Select a certification that aligns closely with your current job responsibilities and projects.
    • Enhance Existing Skills: Look for certifications that build upon your existing skill set, making you more proficient in your current role.
  • Starting with Fundamentals:
    • Broad Foundation: If you're uncertain, start with a fundamental-level certification to gain a comprehensive overview of cloud concepts.
    • Exploring Diverse Technologies: Fundamental certifications expose you to a wide range of cloud services and technologies, aiding in identifying areas of interest.
  • Considering Future Goals:
    • Career Progression: Choose certifications that align with your long-term career objectives and aspirations.
    • Specialization Opportunities: If aiming for specialization, consider certifications that delve deeper into specific areas like AI, data analytics, or security.
  • Evaluating Industry Demands:
    • Market Relevance: Consider certifications in cloud platforms and tools that are in high demand in the job market.
    • Keeping Up to Date: Stay informed about emerging trends in cloud computing to choose certifications that will remain relevant in the future.
  • Personal Interest and Curiosity:
    • Follow Your Interests: Sometimes the best choice is guided by personal interest or curiosity in a particular cloud technology or concept.
    • Continuous Learning: View certifications as part of a lifelong learning journey in the ever-evolving field of Information Technology (IT).

Closing remarks

In conclusion, cloud certifications are indeed significant. They open prospects to new possibilities, similar to a rare, yet potent tool in your toolbox. Their value lies not in the claim of mastery they bestow, but in the breadth of awareness and understanding they provide, ensuring that as a technologist or lead, you are well-equipped to make informed decisions and utilize the right tools at the crucial juncture in your digital and cloud technology endeavours.
