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A beginner's guide to break into Tech for free with YouTube

personal growth

Are you looking to break into the world of technology? Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed? Don't worry! YouTube is a fantastic place to begin. This guide will introduce you to some of the best channels for beginners across various tech fields.

1. Coding Basics

2. Web Development

3. Machine Learning & AI

4. Cloud Computing

5. DevOps

6. General Knowledge

  • Free Code Camp: Comprehensive approach to coding with hands-on projects.
  • Khan Academy: Offers a wide range of foundational knowledge across various subjects.

Starting to learn tech skills is an adventure, and the secret to success is practice. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and with these channels, you can take significant steps in your learning journey.

Further Learning Resources

For more structured and advanced learning, check out platforms like Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, DataCamp, and Pluralsight.


We hope this guide helps you confidently step into the tech world. If you need more guidance or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out in the comments section below. Here's to your learning journey!

Note: We are passionate about making high-quality tech education accessible to everyone, which is why we offer this content completely free of charge. If you find the content useful, please consider sharing it with your friends and colleagues. This will help us reach more people who are eager to step into the world of technology.