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Understanding AWS IAM using a football analogy - Manchester City


When it comes to understanding AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), it can be as complex as a tactical football match. To simplify this, let's use Manchester City, one of the premier football clubs, as an analogy to explain IAM concepts.

1. Team Manager: The Root User

Pep Guardiola, the manager of Manchester City, is akin to the AWS root user. He has overarching control and makes critical decisions, just as the root user has full access to all AWS services and resources.

2. Coaches and Staff: IAM Users

Each member of Guardiola's staff, like coaches, physiotherapists, or scouts, represents IAM users in AWS. They have specific roles, responsibilities, and permissions within the team, similar to how IAM users have distinct access rights in AWS.

3. Player Positions: IAM Roles

Consider the players on the field: Ederson as goalkeeper, Ruben Dias as defender, Kevin De Bruyne as midfielder, and Phil Foden as forward. Each player's position is like an IAM role, with specific responsibilities and rules. For instance, Ederson, the goalkeeper, has a unique role and rules, such as not handling the ball outside the 18-yard box, similar to how an IAM role has specific permissions and restrictions in AWS.

4. Training Drills: Policies

Just as Guardiola designs specific drills for skill development, in AWS, policies are JSON documents that define permissions for users, roles, and groups. These policies ensure that each team member knows their role and follows the game plan effectively.

5. Team Strategy: Groups

Players in Manchester City are organized into units (defense, midfield, attack), similar to how AWS IAM groups manage a collection of users. This organization makes managing permissions more efficient, just like a well-structured team formation.

6. Match Day Rules: Permissions

In football, rules govern what players can do on the pitch. Similarly, in AWS IAM, permissions specify the actions that users and roles can or cannot perform. They ensure that every action taken is within the boundaries of what is allowed, maintaining order and security.

7. Transfer Window: Identity Federation

The transfer window in football, where players are loaned or transferred, resembles the identity federation in AWS IAM. It allows external identities, like players from other clubs, to be integrated and given access to the team's resources.


In AWS, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is crucial for secure and efficient access management to AWS resources. Here is a breakdown of the core concepts:

  • Root User: The primary account holder with full access to all AWS services and resources, akin to a football team's manager overseeing overall operations.
  • Subjects (IAM Users, Groups, Service Accounts/Applications):
    • IAM Users: Individuals or entities with specific access permissions, similar to individual staff members or players in a football team, each with unique roles.
    • IAM Groups: Collections of IAM users, simplifying the management of shared permissions. Comparable to grouping football players into squads like offense or defense for coordinated action.
    • Service Accounts/Applications: Non-human users, such as applications or services, that require access to AWS resources. They act like automated players or tools in a football team, performing specific tasks.
  • IAM Roles: Collections of permissions defining allowed actions within AWS, akin to the specific positions and responsibilities of players (like goalkeeper, defender) on a football team.
  • IAM Policies: Documents outlining permissions and conditions, similar to the training drills and rules that guide players' actions and strategies in football. The policy document typically includes the following sections:
    • Version: The policy language version.
    • Statement: The main element of the policy - contains an array of individual statements.
    • Effect: Specifies whether the statement results in an 'Allow' or 'Deny'.
    • Action: Describes the specific actions that are allowed or denied.
    • Resource: Specifies the AWS resources to which the actions apply.

For example: This example represents a simple policy that allows a subject to list the contents of a specific S3 bucket called example_bucket.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::example_bucket"
  • Permissions: Define what actions subjects can or cannot perform, much like the rules of a football game that determine what each player is allowed to do on the field. e.g. The effect for an Offside action is always ‘Deny’

Closing remarks

When implementing AWS IAM in your organization, it's crucial to not only grasp the roles and responsibilities within the system but also to adhere to best practices for optimal security and efficiency. Emphasizing the principle of least privilege ensures that entities have only the permissions necessary for their tasks, akin to players in football having roles tailored to their skills.

Regular audits of IAM roles and policies are like routine team performance reviews, crucial for maintaining security and effectiveness. Just-in-Time (JIT) access provisioning, akin to strategic player substitutions in crucial moments of a match, enhances security by granting necessary permissions only when needed. These practices ensure that your AWS environment, much like a well-coached football team, operates at peak efficiency with robust security measures in place.

Additional learning resources

You can learn more about AWS identities and access management here:

Note that we can apply similar concepts to other cloud providers such as Azure and GCP. For example, in Azure, we can think of the different roles within Azure Active Directory and Resource Management as members positions in a sports team, each with their specific duties and limitations. Similarly, GCP's Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be likened to a coach's playbook, outlining the strategies and moves (or permissions) for each team member, ensuring everyone plays their part effectively and securely.